Category Archives: Html/css

Custom Application Development

Bay20 team successfully implemented a bespoke web application using codeigniter framework. provides true, instant & free rating & review of a PROPERTY & its risks. We have implemented great deal of features on this website. We were able to implement very visionary and challenging ideas of website owner. Technology Stack: Codegniter, PHP, Mysql, Javascript, […]

Performance matters for all kinds of websites

Performance matters for all kinds of websites

How you can fine tune performance and become a google developer tool ninja? There are three pillars of performance 1. Network 2. Render 3. Compute How you can minimize full power radio use? 1. Prefetch and cache data 2. Eliminate periodic transfers like polling 3. Batch your requests Minimizing Network Latency 1. Avoid redirects (use […]

Clearing float with css

There are two ways to clear float. I will cover both ways to clear float. 1. You can use overflow: hidden; and clear: both; to clear the float but this have some drawback as well. When you are use using box-shadow or any element from that will div be hidden. .overflowHidden{overflow: hidden; clear: both;} 2. You […]