To add customers to your BigCommerce store, it is essential to understand the advantages of adding them. By adding customers to your Bigommerce store you can examine your customer’s past orders and activities such as what they like to buy. Based on that you can offer them incentives and exclusive advertisements or promotions for any special events or products. It helps you to build relationships with your customers. And also your customers can take advantage of different other services from your storefront.
Services such as quick checkout, stored payment methods (if enabled), returns, reorders, saved addresses, store credit, and wishlists. From this, you can inspire them to return to the store again and again. And, also they will suggest your business to others.
Add customers to your BigCommerce store by following these steps:
Step-1: First, log in to your control panel and click on Customers > Add.

Step-2: And then, enter all the details about the customer into the given fields.
Fields Details:
Store Credit: Enter the amount, if this customer should have any store credit that can be used to pay for orders.
Receive ACS/Review Emails: Should we send marketing emails such as product review requests to this customer? Customers can unsubscribe from all automatic marketing emails sent from your store, and this value will be ‘No’ if they have unsubscribed.
Force Password Reset On Next Login: Check the option to force the user to reset their password on their next login.
Tax Exempt Code: The Tax Exempt Code is an identifier. That ensures the customer’s transactions are exempt from tax. Mapping customers to exempt codes will inform your tax provider whether the customer purchasing in your store is exempt from tax or not. Please check with your tax provider for this list of tax-exempt codes.

Step-3: Add a password for the customer. And then, click on the Save button to create a customer.

Please contact us at or call us at +91-8800519180 for any support related to Shopify. You can also visit the Bigcommerce development page to check the services we offer.