How to add multiple languages in shopware 6?

To add multiple languages in shopware 6 follow the below steps:

Step 1: Log in to the admin panel and go to the Settings > shop > Languages.

Step 2: Click on the “Add language” button, to add a new language.

Step 3: On the settings section, fill in the required field.

  1. Name: Enter the name of your language.
  2. Inherit from: You can inherit your language from an already existing language. You cannot use a language that is already inherited from another language. This option is not required, you can skip this option if you want.
  3. ISO code: Enter the ISO code of your language. Eg: en-GB (English).
  4. Locale: Select the localization of your language. Eg: English (United kingdom).

Step 4: After filling all the fields, click on the Save button, and your language will be saved.

Now to show the language in the frontend which we created.

Step 5: Click on your Sales channels and on the General Settings section select the language English.

Step 6:- Go to the Domain section and click on the Add domain button, to create a new one.

Step 7:- Enter the following fields to create a new domain.

Step 8:- Click on the “Add domain” button to create your English language shop.

  1. Url: Enter your language shop URL.
  2. Language: Select the language for this shop. Eg:- “English“.
  3. Currency: Choose the currency of this shop. Eg:- “Dollar
  4. Snippet: Select the snippet. Eg:- “BASE en-GB
  5. Hreflang localisation: Choose your localisation according to ISO standard or according to language.

Step 9: Click on the Save button of the Sales channel.
