How to create a banner slider using Shopping world?

Create a Banner Slider Using Shopping World in Shopware 5

Banner slider is an element of the Shopping World. Which we can use to create banner or product slider.

Please follow the below steps to create banner or product slider.

Step 1: Login to the admin panel and go to Marketing >Shopping World

Step 2: We have edit the shopping world, click on the Pencil icon.

Step 3: Click on the Elements option.

Step 4: Drag the banner slider on the right side of the blog.

Note:- You can increase the length of the slider as you want.

Step 5: Now click on the pencil icon to edit the banner slider.

Step 6: Fill the title option.

Step 7: Activate the Display arrow if you want to.

Step 8: Click on the Select own files to select the product images.

Step 9: After selecting the images, click on the Save button.

Step 10: After saving the banner slider click on the Save button of Shopping World.

Note : Clear the cache after saving the whole process.

Step 11: Now go to the Store-Front and reload the page.And you can see the product images which you selected before.

Note : Click on the arrow to display the another images.