How To Create A Shipping Method In Shopware 6?

Shipping Method in Shopware 6

Shipping is a very important feature of any eCommerce website and different website needs different shipping as per the products they offer. Shopware allows you to use different shipping providers via apps and plugins and also gives you an option to create your own shipping method for your website. Please go through the below steps to create your custom shipping method for your website.

Step 1: Go to the admin panel and click on the settings and open the shop.

Administration > settings > shop

Step 2: Click on the Shipping option.

Step 3: Now click on the ‘Add shipping method’ to create a new one.

Step 4: Fill in the following fields of the shipping method. I have named it free shipping.

  1. Basic information:

a.) Name: Enter the name of the shipping method.

b.) Active: You can enable or disable the shipping method.

c.) Description: Add the description of the shipping method.

d.) Upload logo: You can upload the shipping logo.

e.) Delivery time: You can choose a delivery time. This will be displayed when you select the shipping method.

f.) Tracking URL: In this field, you can enter the tracking number of your shipping service provider. Instead of the actual tracking number, you can enter the placeholder “%s” here.

g.) Tags: You can enter keywords for the shipping method which will make it easier to find it later.

2. Availability rule: You can choose the rule for your shipping method.

3. Tax calculation: Choose the tax calculation. Select from different modes of calculating taxes on shipping costs:

  • Auto – Calculation based on all tax rates present in a shopping cart
  • Highest – Calculation based on the highest tax rate present in a shopping cart
  • Fixed – Calculation based on a manually selected tax rate

4. Unrestricted: This is a condition that you can add if you want. For now, I am using Unrestricted.

  • Add pricing level: Click on the ‘Add pricing level’ button, if you want to add a new unrestricted rule.

5. Add price matrix: In the Price Matrix, you can now manage the shipping costs for this shipping method. For this, you have a price matrix at your order in which you can define any price rules.

  • Price matrix by a property – If you create the price matrix after property, the property’s number of positions, shopping cart value, weight, and volume are available to you.
  • Price matrix by rule – You can also build the price matrix according to a self-defined rule from the Rule Builder instead of according to one of the predefined properties.

We can add another price matrix by clicking the added price matrix button. and also fill the required field.

Step 5: After filling in all the required fields. Click on the Save button.

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