Salesforce developer accounts are free personal accounts provided by Salesforce for its developers for creating custom apps and testing them on the Salesforce platform. A Developer account provides access to numerous Salesforce features and tools for development, a sandbox environment, and the Salesforce API. For creating a Salesforce Developer Account, the Salesforce Developer website and signup for it. You can create apps, objects, workflows, components, etc using a developer account in Salesforce. You can integrate them with other services and customize them too. A Salesforce Developer can collaborate with other developers and join different Salesforce developer communities for accessing Salesforce resources, and get help.
To create Salesforce Developer Account, follow these steps:
Step-1: In the web browser, open This will open the salesforce developer account signup page.

Step-2: On the signup page, fill up the signup form with your personal and professional information.

Step-3: Then, enter a “Username” for your developer account. Your username must be in the form of an email address (it does not have to be real). It must be unique and associated with another Salesforce login credential.
Step-4: Thereafter, you must check the “I agree to the Main Services Agreement — Developer Services and Salesforce Program Agreement” checkbox.
Step-5: Now, click the “Sign Me Up” button to complete the registration.
Step-6: Further, you’ll get a verification email from to the email you provided.

Step-7: Now, click the “Verify Account” button, it will redirect you to the “Change Your Password” page.
Step-8: Thereafter, enter a new password and confirm it. The password must contain at least 8 characters including 1 letter and 1 number Besides, you need to add a “Security Question“. The security question helps to recover the account when have forgotten your password.

Step-9: Finally, click the “Change Password” button for completing the password resetting process. Immediately, it will open your developer account dashboard.
Please contact us at or call us at +91-8800519180 for any support related to Salesforce. You can also visit the salesforce development page to check the services we offer.