Please go through the below link for creating the theme.
To create your own template layout on Shopware 5 category page. Please follow the below steps:
The standard listing usually looks like this:
Step 1: Go to the shopware theme directory of your website.
Step 2: Create a new file in the theme directory called “article_listing_custom.tpl“
File Structure:–
Note: Custom directory is theme which I created already.
Step 3: In “article_listing_custom.tpl” file write this code.
{extends file='parent:frontend/listing/index.tpl'}
{* Wrap the content into a new element *}
{block name='frontend_index_content'}
<div class="custom-listing">
{* Make the listing changes *}
{block name='frontend_listing_list_inline'}
<div class="custom-listing--listing">
{foreach $sArticles as $sArticle}
{include file="frontend/listing/product-box/box-custom-basic.tpl" productBoxLayout="custom_basic"}
- In line 1 We extend the original “index.tpl” file listings.
- Line 6: We wrap the content with our own class so that we can change it later using CSS.
- Line 14: Our product box layout is transferred to our own product box file with the content “custom_basic“.
Step 4: Create a new file called “box-custom-basic.tpl” in “product-box” directory.
Step 5: Write this code in “box-custom-basic.tpl” file.
{extends file="parent:frontend/listing/product-box/box-basic.tpl"}
{* Product description *}
{block name='frontend_listing_box_article_description'}
<div class="product--description">
Step 6: Create a new file called “custom-listing.less” in the _modules directory.
File Structure:
Step 7: Write this code in “custom_listing.less” file.
.custom-listing .box--custom_basic{
width: calc(100% / 3);
Step 8: Create another file in less directory called “all.less“
Step 9: Write this code in all.less file.
@import "_modules/custom_listing";
Step 10: Now Login to the admin panel and go to the Configuration > Customer Streams.
Step 10: Click on the Frontend and go to the categories/lists.
Step 11: In categories / lists. Write “article_listing_custom.tpl: custom_listing; ” in Available listing layouts. And click on the save button.
Step 12: Now go the item>Categories.
Step 13: Select the categories which you want to customize and in Individual layout, select the custom_listing.
Now clear the cache and in frontend check the categories which we selected the individual layout.
Results: We created a 3 column view that will look something like this:
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