Installing Extensions Manually and using Composer in Magento 2

installing extensions manually and using composer in magento 2

Let’s see how to install extensions in Magento 2 manually.

Step 1: Open your file manager and navigate to magento root directory.

Step 2: Go to app/code directory and upload your extension zip file.

Step 3: Unzip the file.

Step 4: Open SSH terminal to connect your Magento store root directory and run the following command one by one.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Let’s see how to install extensions in Magento 2 by Composer.

Step 1: Open SSH terminal to connect your magento store root directory.

Step 2: Run the following CLI command to install extension.

composer require packlink/magento2

Step 3: Authenticate from, enter your username, and password. Login to your marketplace account and click on My Profile and navigate to My Products -> Access Keys.

Step 4: If you have already an access key, you can use that. Otherwise, you can create a new key by clicking on Create A New Access Key.

Step 5: You have two types of keys public and private:

Public Key: Use this is a username.
Private Key: Use this as a password.
Go to the SSH terminal and enter the username and password.

Step 6: Press the “Y” key and hit Enter to start the Magento 2 sample data installation process.

Step 7: After successfully installing Magento 2 sample data, run the following commands step by step.

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

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