Magento Backed Saas Platform Pixafy

Magento backed saas platform Pixafy

Pixafy is a feature rich magento backed Saas based platform. It has most features of magento. Its much more advanced in terms of functions compared to deprecated hosted platform magentogo.

I have reviewed functions of this platform. Its really impressive in first drill down. It has lot of options for theme customization and advanced features that non of the saas based platforms offer today.

If you are on magento community and want to move to saas based platform pixafy may be best suited option for you. Its admin is very similar to magento. It has features like multi-currency, multi-language and multi-store. These features are rarely found in leading saas based platforms like bigcommerce, shopify etc.

If you are looking to build a store on pixafy platform and need an experience developer to set this up for you and customize as per your needs. 

Please contact us at or call us at +91-8800519180 for any support related to Magento. You can also visit the Magento development page to check the services we offer.