aTailor is the website that offers an online marketplace for tailors around the world to showcase their apparel & receive orders from the platform users. We have implemented this platform with many key features that are easy-to-use for tailors to manage their business in an effective way.
Technology Stack: PHP, Mysql, Jquery, Bootstrap, Ajax
Application Features:
Buyers Features:
– Advance search for tailors & their work.
– Able to add body dimensions.
– Able to post requests for their requirements. Facility to select the desired fabric, garments, colors, patterns & budget for their requirement.
– Able to see offers from different tailors for the posted requirement.
– Able to directly contact the desired tailor using a chat facility.
– Able to send an order to the selected tailor.
Tailors Features:
– Able to upload & showcase their apparel online.
– Able to view buyer’s messages & notifications from admin.
– Able to see the buyer’s requests.
– Able to send offers to buyer requests or can directly contact the buyer using chat.
– Able to accept orders sent by buyers.
– Able to withdraw payments using Paypal, Payoneer or using a bank account.

Admin Features:
– Manage users, offers, buyer’s requests etc.
– Manage user orders & their payouts
– Manage user messages, reports, abuses & other activities
– Advance settings for layout, payment & for email alerts
– Interactive dashboard for sales, expenses & net profit

If you have a PHP project for development or maintenance. Please email at or call us at +91-8800519180 for a free review.