Option Types in Bigcommerce

option types in bigcommerce

Option Types specify how your product variants or modifiers will display on the storefront product page. In addition, they specify how your customers will interact with them.

The List of Available Option Types in Bigcommerce is Given Below

Note: Variant options can only use multiple-choice option types, while modifier options can use any option type.

Multiple choice

Multiple choice allows your customers to choose from different variations of products in different colors or sizes depending on their preferences however, depending on the display style, they can be configured as follows:

  • Swatch: Shoppers can choose colors from swatches displayed on the screen. You can specify swatch colors by entering a hex code, using the color picker, or uploading an image..
  • Radio Button: Displays the options in a column.
  • Rectangle List: Display the options in rectangle boxes side-by-side.
  • Dropdown: Display options in a dropdown.
option types in Bigcommerce


The checkbox is the simplest modifier type that appears as a Yes/No checkbox however, the checkbox can be set as follows:

  • Field Value: This field is for displaying the value to the right of the checkbox for example, Yes, No, or whatever text you want to display.
  • Checked by default: It determines whether the box is checked by default when a customer visits the product detail page.
option types in Bigcommerce

Text/number fields

Text/number fields modifier type allows your customers to enter text, multi-line messages, or numbers. Text and number fields have the following configurations:

  • Default Value: This is optional to enter a default value for your text field and then, it will serve as a quick visual indication to inform customers of the type of data that goes there for example, “Your name here..”.
  • I want to control the number of characters entered: It helps to assign character limits to the text field, also you can enter a Minimum length, Maximum length, or both.
  • I want to control the number of lines entered: It helps to assign a Maximum number of lines that can be entered in the field (Multi-line Text Field only).
  • Limit numbers by: Assigns a Maximum specifies a maximum value, minimum value, or range of numbers that can be entered (Numbers Only Text Field only).
  • I want to only allow whole numbers: It blocks customers from entering numbers with decimals (Numbers Only Text Field only).
option types in Bigcommerce

Date field

This date field modifier type allows customers to add the date format using month, day, and year drop-down menus. The following configuration you can make with this modifier type:

  • Default Value: This field allows you to give a default date format.
  • Limit Date By: This selector allows you to specify the data’s Earliest Date, Latest Date, or Range.
option types in Bigcommerce

File upload

As part of the customer’s order details, shoppers can upload a file, which can be accessed when checking their orders. The following configuration you can do with this modifier type:

  • Maximum File Size: The maximum size of file customers are allowed to upload is 524,288 KB.
  • File Types: Allow the customer to upload any files or you can specify the type, like:
    1. Images and photos
    2. Documents and text files
    3. Other: you can specify the extensions as you want to allow, using comma-separated form. For example, pdf,mp3,zip.

Note: A single product can contain a maximum of 20 files. After uploading all files for a product, customers will not be able to add it to their cart if there are more than 20 file upload modifiers.

option types in Bigcommerce

Pick list

Using this Pick list modifier type, a shopper can choose another product from your store. The following configurations you can do with this modifier type:

  • Products: You can add products by searching to your pick list as well as you can arrange them using the drag handlebar and, optionally make them default.
  • Show product image on Storefront: To include product thumbnail, check this option.
  • Adjust inventory for these products when purchased: The pick list should adjust stock levels if you have products with inventory tracking in the list.
  • Adjust the price based on the chosen option: Checking this option will add the price of the selected pick list product to the base product however, the product’s price will not be changed if this checkbox is unchecked.
  • Factor chosen product into shipping calculations: You can adjust shipping dimensions by following the given options:
    • None: The base product’s weight or package dimensions (length, width, and/or height) will not be adjusted by the selected product.
    • Package: The base product’s package dimensions will include the dimensions of the selected pick list product.
    • Weight: The base product’s weight will add to the selected pick list product’s weight.


  • The system only allows the inclusion of simple products (products without options) in a pick list however, products with options will not show in the search results when adding items to a pick list.
  • Shoppers are restricted to selecting one item at a time from a specific list; they cannot choose multiple items from the same list.
option types in Bigcommerce

Please contact us at manish@bay20.com or call us at +91-8800519180 for any support related to Bigcommerce. You can also visit the Bigcommerce development page to check the services we offer.