Before updating shopware, create a backup of shopware files and their database. Now to update first you need to login into shopware admin. Once you are logged in please follow the below steps.
Step 1: Click on the below link to download the latest version of shopware.
Step 2: After downloading, unzip the file and copy all files in your shopware file.

Step 3: Open your shopware website in the browser and the maintenance page will be displayed automatically.

Step 4: To process shopware update. Open URL structure similar like below.
Note: Like my shopware is local, So the url of this is https://localhost/shopware/recovery/update.

Step 5: Follow the instruction.

Step 6: To complete the update you must delete the directory/update-assets from your Shopware directory after the update.

Step 7: Clear the cache and if problems occur, additionally delete the following directories:
- /var/cache/production_xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx stands for the revision of your Shopware version.
Step 8: After updating Shopware, Open the Plugin Manager and take a look for plugin updates. If plugins have a newer version available then update those as well.
Please contact us at or call us at +91-8800519180 for any support related to shopware 5. You can also visit the Shopware 5 and Shopware 6 development page to check the services we offer.