There are 3 different ways to create theme in shopware 5.
- Admin
- Command
- Code
To create theme on different ways follow the following steps.
First we will be creating theme through Admin.
Step 1: Login to the admin panel and go to the Configuration>Theme Manager.

Step 2: Click on the Create theme to create new one.

Step 3: Fill the required fields and save the theme.

- Extension of: You can select which theme to use as a parent theme.
- Name: Name of the theme.
- Short description: You can give description to your theme that will appear within the theme manager.
Step 4: Click on the Save button to save the new theme.


Now we will create theme using command.
Step 1: Go to the Terminal application and connect with your shopware server. Then run the below command
php bin/console sw:theme:create –description=”Text” –author=”Name of author” –license=”MIT” Responsive ThemeDirectory Theme
Note: Make sure you are inside shopware root directory.
/shopware> // like mine.
Step 2: Go to the Theme Manager to check newly created theme.

Now let’s create theme manually using Code.
Step 1: Go to shopware root directory of your website.
Step 2: Create a new folder in ‘themes>Frontend’ directory.
File Structure
themes>Frontend>Bay20 // Bay20 is a theme name

Step 3: Create file Theme.php in Bay20 theme directory.

Step 4: Go to Theme.php and paste below code.
namespace Shopware\Themes\Bay20;
class Theme extends \Shopware\Components\Theme
protected $extend = 'Responsive';
protected $name = 'Bay20';
protected $description = '';
protected $author = '';
protected $license = '';
Step 5: Now go to Theme manager in admin panel. To check newly created theme.

Note: You can copy the theme image of Responsive and paste it to the Bay 20 directory. Or you can add the image of this size 133*98


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