Story of another satisfied client. mrvideoonline is a store they use to sell videos of events or shows and we created an app from scratch and integrated their bigcommerce store with their Amazon S3 bucket where they store their videos.
Before the integration, they were encountering numerous problems. They usually sold products related to events or shows, which were physical. Within these products, they had created many variations. Some were for physical delivery only (DVD), some were digital (HD download) and were sent via email, and some variations allowed for both physical delivery and email delivery (both DVD and HD download).
The issues they encountered were mainly related to digital downloads, products offering both DVD and HD downloads, and pre-ordered items. Specifically, they had difficulties:
- When the video of an event was being recorded they were creating the downloadable links for the HD download and sent them manually to the customers who purchased them.
- Adding notes to each order regarding what had been sent and what remained to be sent.
- Manually updating order statuses based on the type of products ordered (e.g., download only or both DVD delivery and download).
- Resending the downloadable links to the customer after the links expire.
- Sending downloadable links for pre-ordered products which was time consuming
The custom application resolved all the problems which they were facing.
Application Features:
- Easy way to assign the files or videos to the products and their variants
- Way of separating the products which of them are download only and which have both (DVD and HD download)
- Automatic sending of links via Email when the product is ready to deliver (This helped for the pre-ordered products)
- Automatic adding notes with the proper SKU of the product and date when they got sent via email
- Updating order status automatically based on ordered products and email sending process.
- Customers can regenerate the links via the order section of their website once the link expires without contacting the merchant.
- Simple Interface and easy to use
Technology Stack: NEXT JS, Amazon S3, Bigcomemrce.
Here are a few interface images of the application:
If you are still facing any issues or problems, please consult with your development team or BigCommerce customer support.
Please contact us at or call us at +91-8800519180 for any support related to Bigcommerce. You can also visit the Bigcommerce development page to check the services we offer.