How magento2 is better than magento1?

magento 1 better to magento 2

Magento2 is considered to be the latest and updated version for the open source ecommerce platform. The new version provides better performance, scalability, unmatched flexibility, channelize shopping experience, innovative unities for developers and empowers B2B and B2C businesses. Magento2 is better than Maagento1 in following ways. User Friendly Approach Magento2 makes it easier to novices […]

Why you should migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2 ?

migration from magento 1 to magento 2

Magento2 is an improved version of Magento platform. It has different architecture, modified interface and specified developer tools which makes Magento2 better than Magento1. The interface is designed in such a way that e-commerce owners grow their business more efficiently. The improved indexers help to speed up query performance. It works on updated HTTP accelerator […]

Magento stores with better load time sell more!

Magento is an open source ecommerce platform with unique features such as content management technology, flexible shopping cart system and excellent SEO optimization. The page load speed has always been a matter of concern because seconds delay may cause an important loss. No website would want to lose a single customer on the store because […]

Importance of SSL Certificate for an e-commerce website

Importance of SSL Certificate for an e-commerce website

If you are setting up to start e-commerce business acquiring SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is important. Few websites like banks and government authorities use secured bar (https) and SSL certificate encryption. This is necessary for online shoppers as it ensures that information is secure and safe. To transmit personal data online SSL allows safe […]

Why Outsource Magento Development, Design and Promotion work to magento certified professional

Why Outsource Magento Development, Design and Promotion work to magento certified professional

To find a complete e-commerce solution and make pace with the ongoing market trend it is crucial to outsource Magento Development, Design and promotion work to Magento certified professional. It is an open source CMS that provides strong prospect to business leaders to grow their business operations on digital e-commerce platform. Magento is easy to […]